The Puppet Master's master-plan to depopulate the Earth is now entering its final stages. If readers remember, back in the late 20th century it was quickly becoming apparent that man, in his present form, was never going to evolve much further than he already had. His body was too fragile to risk exploring the stars, and his mind too weak to to develop a means to get there anyway. He concluded the only way he would ever reach the stars is if the stars came to us. This never did actually happen despite the many claims of ‘Anal probes at the hands of Visitors’ by so many Middle American Americans. Due to this absence of 'Contact' plans needed to be made to ensure we use the little resources we still had left available to us wisely.
Over the next few decades plans were thought up, plans were implemented, and some plans were redrawn. Eventually a Gantt Sheet was created and distributed amongst the world leaders, top politicians and rich folk with enough money to pay their way into their club. The plan was simple:
1. Destabilise the Middle East and Africa with a never-ending circle of wars, conflict and sanctions. The net result of all of this will be a mass migration from these countries into their stable neighbours, which will destabilises them in short time.
2. Use the common media to introduce false narratives and blatant lies to confuse and anger the different ethnic and ideological groups of Europe. A divided nation will never think or fight for its basic human rights and civil liberties if it can’t shake hands with one another. (Anti)smart phones and (anti)social media have been a great help with respect to spreading false news as whole generations have now been brainwashed to be completely reliant on their device’s small screens for their everyday lives.
3. Flood Europe with the migrants from the destabilised countries from step 1. This will cause even more division between the peoples of Europe as their own lives and well-being is being eroded away to nothing.
4. Introduce a virus to the global population guaranteed to kill off the old and those with major health issues. Wait a year or two then turn the 'Killo-meter' dial of the virus up so it now attacks those with minor health issues, and repeat, repeat until only the super healthy are left. The longer this process takes the longer the ‘Puppet Masters’ will have to steal and store more from the plebs, but three years is the maximum desired.
5. Declare an energy crisis and cut off the power and gas just before Winter. With increasing fuel costs for the plebs even more money and possessions can be taken from them due to the massive ‘supply and demand’ deficit. Many plebs will freeze to death while trying to eat, and others will starve to death while trying to keep warm.
6. Allow to simmer on a moderate heat for 6 months. Once the remaining world's resources have been collected and stored safely in the underground lairs of the ‘Puppet Masters’ then move onto the final steps.
7. Have the remains of NASA fire one of their DART missiles into the steroid belt to alter the orbit of a mid-size asteroid so it will come hurtling towards Earth and wipe out any body who isn't safely underground by at least a thousand feet. The intended target area is East Europe, and the impactshould have a blast radius of at least 100 miles. Anything within 300 miles will be instantly incinerated by the blast wave as it travels faster than the speed of sound from ground zero. The rest of the world will die over a short time from starvation and exposure as the world enters a 20 year ‘Nuclear Winter’
8. Repopulate the world in a controlled fashion by only mating with ones own siblings, and any attractive animals.
We are currently passing through step 5, just starting on step 6, and rapidly approaching step 7.