Here in the UK we're going to be having a general election this year, although nobody is certain at what point this year it'll actually be held. Unlike most other countries our dates are flexible, and can at times extend beyond the full four years. Not sure why, not sure I care why. Regardless of when it'll actually be held, one thing is for certain, neither of the 'parties' deserve to be in power. They are all just as shit as each other, their policies are no different from the next, and none of them know what the people want and need, nor do they want to listen to what the people want and need.


On one hand we have Rishi Sunak, leader of the incumbent Conservative party, a man who wasn't voted to that position by the people nor by the party members, he was actually given the position of party leader, and by extension the UKs Prime Minister, by means and methods unknown to the rest of us mere Plebs. Although you can guarantee it included offers of wealth, property, or position, probably all three. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, works very hard, but he's from a country where the condoms are noticeably smaller than the ones sold in Western countries, so he hasn't the 'killer instinct' needed to stand up to and punch someone in the face. I mean this figuratively of course, although it would be good to see the odd 'car park fight' or two - after all it worked for Simão Peixoto and Erineu Alves Da Silva!

There are green shoots of recovery from the shit-show we’ve suffered over the past five or six years. We had Theresa May’s underhanded way she treated the Brexit vote, the Covid pandemic and the ensuing stealing of cash, property and business’s from the Plebs by the banks and other financial services. All of which apparently has been completely forgotten about – Gold Fish and memory springs to mind. Russia pushing back against NATOs expansion East with their attack on Ukraine, and of course the Middle East with Hamas attacking Israel, and the Israeli's (how dare they!) retaliation.

Rishi wants the election to be as late as possible so the Plebs can actually start to ‘feel’ this recovery to the economy, and the nation, and maybe forgive the Tories enough to vote for them once again.


On the second hand we have Kier Starmer, leader of the Labour party (although I've mentioned it before they are nowhere near where their grass roots beginnings were, and shouldn’t be called the Labour party anymore). He's like the coach in one of those 'feel good' movies where he takes over the sports team that is made up of misfits, the mentally retarded, and the physically disabled, that just so happens to be in the top league alongside the best of the best. We know in our heart of hearts that they should not do well, but somehow they win the league. Beating all of the better teams in the process, and somehow capturing the hearts of everyone concerned. However, life is not like the movies, nor are movies like real life. The actions of our politicians can have severe consequences that are far reaching, and can cost lives.

Kier would have us believe he has turned around the Labour party, and that it is heading back to where it was before it flew a little too close to Communism (aka Corbyn Years) and it does seem to be true. However my fear is that all he has done is drive the trolls and troglodytes back under their bridges and into their caves, awaiting the return of their beloved leader Jeremy Corbyn (along with his mongoloid side-kick (and ex-lover, ew!) Diane Abbott).

Ask a Labour MP what they would have done differently to what the Tories did during the Brexit and Covid years and they, if being honest, wouldn’t have done a thing differently. That apart from not gotten Brexit done at all, and that they would have locked the country down for far longer than we were. Both of these two things alone would have screwed the country up even more than it is now.


On the third hand (starting to sound like Shiva now) we have the Liberal Democrats, headed by Ed (wavey) Davey (I think) they've kind of taken a very back-seated attitude in politics of late, not surprising as most of their 90,000 party members are older women who spend their free time getting high on HRT therapy. Ed Davey himself has the look of someone who is still suckling, so being surrounded by these older women probably suits him perfectly.

It’s hard to pin down what the Liberals stand for, I’m not even sure if they know themselves, but I can’t bring myself to trust a person who constantly calls for other people to resign if they do or get something wrong, but refuses to resign himself when it comes to light he allowed Plebs to have their lives ruined by his inaction while in a governmental post (Post Office Scandal).


On the forth hand, and a recent addition to the top tier of UK politics, we have the UK Reform party. Headed by Richard Tice (another posh twat) their stance is where the Conservatives used to be before David Cameron took over the party in 2005. As newcomers we can't judge their actions until they've been in power above the level of Local Councillor, but to be fair, they can't do any worse, can they? They are slowly rising up the charts, chasing that number one spot for Christmas, and they may actually do it.

You see, they are saying all of the right things to the right people – the Plebs. Their deputy is a man called Ben Habib and he’s actually very engaging and more importantly he’s also very knowledgable and intelligent, which is more than can be said for the others. They currently have an MP in Parliament, although a defector from the Tories, Lee Anderson speaks his mind and has a very good connection with the working class Plebs. Coming from Ashfield in Nottinghmashire you either grow big balls (previously a miner) or you become a prostitute! They're your two choices in life living there.

Back in the Brexit days the Reform party stood down their candidates to ensure the Tories gained power as they were the only party in a position to get Brexit done properly so we the people of UK of GB could gain all of the promised benefits (or so we all thought – Theresa May fucked us all over). Past lessons learnt they aren’t going to make the same mistake again, despite claims by the Tories of “a vote for Reform will ensure Labour win”. So what! The more people who vote for Reform this year will mean more people will be confident their vote will be valuable in voting for Reform next time, and the time after that too, etc.


On the fifth hand we have the Green party. A party composed of very weak and limp people, so weak and limp in fact that they need two leaders to handle their party policies. First up is Carla Denyer. Despite looking like she eats 'beef curtains' she is in fact a confirmed vegan, and married to a man (in a similar way Cliff Richard was married to a woman, maybe...). The other half of this weak and frail clown-show is vegan Adrian Ramsay. I couldn't be bothered to look for his marital status, but he's certainly not the type of man to be out 'banging Bar-Whores' every weekend like us 'Proper' men.

Predictably the weak and limp Green party also has two weak and limp Deputy Leaders, the only party that has four people on the top table, and which proves beyond any doubt whatsoever that being a vegan is totally unhealthy for you as a human as it obviously makes you both weak minded and weak physically! And lets be honest, it also makes you unattractive to anyone but another vegan.

The two 'leaders' and two 'deputies' want to make Great Britain Green again, and to fulfil this (pipe)dream they want to cover all of our 'green pasture land' with 'solar panels' and install 'wind farms' in places of 'natural beauty'. The latter having the added benefit of helping to keep the number of our domestic and migratory birds to a minimum. Apparently their poo falls onto the solar panels and stops them from working properly, so they need chopping up by the blades of the wind farms. They also want to expand the scale of offshore wind farms, in the process decimating marine life and disrupting the natural food chain in our waters. Doesn't seem the Green Party is very green at all, nor does it seem the vegans are very animal friendly.


Sharing the sixth hand are all of the other smaller parties, close to 390 at the moment, but growing and contracting all the time. Most of these parties only have a local reach, supporting only their immediate area or city, some have a wider base, but limited numbers and appeal, The Communist Party for example is nationwide but not many members due to the membership requirement – you have to be so retarded that you aren’t allowed out of your padded cell whatsoever.

These parties all have their own policies, their own goals, and will never be accepted on a national scale, nor do they want it. In reality most of these candidates actually live in their constituencies, they care about their neighbourhood and the people around them. Two of my councillors live within three doors of me and are always happy to talk, and more importantly listen to me and the people around my neighbourhood, and have no reach beyond the city boundary.


Who you vote for is entirely up to you, but these are my criteria:

I will only vote for someone who (not in any order of preference) . . . 

Engages and Listens to the people they represent.

Is concerned about what really matters locally and nationally.

Commits themselves to their policies.

Has an actual plan they can put down on paper.

Is committed to making life better for the people of the UK of GB.

Is not in the pocket of big corporations and pharma.

Isn't a vegan, or other extremist.

Eats bacon.

Puts the UK of GB first and foremost above everywhere else.

Puts the law of the land first and foremost before religion.


"So I guess I'll stay at home on voting day!" You may say.

Plato's response to this would have been 'If you do not vote, you will be governed by fools' and he would have been absolutely right.


In the UK if you do not vote, then you are giving up all rights to criticise those who do gain power. Not voting, as was witnessed in the earlier 2024 local elections, allowed people completely inappropriate to be a councillor, to be elected as councillors. The non-voting masses did not, as they claim, send a message of disdain for the incumbents in political positions of power, instead they sent a message to those who would do us harm that we are weak, and have descended into a nation that is ripe for taking over.

People who know nothing of local issues, but instead have a hand to play in a conflict thousands of miles away were given political seats in the UK. They do not care if your bus runs late due to pot-holes on the high street, nor do they care if your neighbour plays loud music past midnight. All they care about is disrupting proceedings by chanting 'Hamas' and 'Death to Jews' before every council meeting.

Another example of this is in London where Sadiq Khan who was once again allowed to be elected as mayor by voter apathy, who straight after the election told Londoners that he is planning to build thousands of tax-payer funded homes that will be given only to Muslim people so they can be close to the planned building of another mosque. Contrast this to every other person who would have said "we are going to be building thousands of homes near this new industrial estate so people can be closer to their work place." That is the priority of Khan. He has no regard for the working class of London, he's proven that many many times. All Khan cares about are getting more Muslims into London and more votes for him. Sounds like the Crusades are coming home doesn't it?!

This is what happens when you do not vote - Bad Shit! Bad Shit Happens! - and it's all down to voter apathy. The London population of non-Whites has been allowed to increase by the apathy of White people.

If you want to see how this country will be transformed within the next decade by voter apathy then take a look at what happened in Iran during the seventies and eighties. This isn't a conspiracy theory, or the words of a madman, these are the sane words of a sane man to an insane population.


As always thanks for reading, if you wish to debate what I have written above then email me at ‘This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.’ Always happy to read and respond to any feedback I receive whether it’s good or bad.