Does the above sound ridiculous, bordering on insanity? That's because it is. The media (especially the BBC (Bullshit Broadcasting Cunts)) are doing their utmost to cause panic amongst the plebs, again, and again they're succeeding. At the start of the mental-breakdown (aka pandemic) in 2019 they were cautious in their experiment and only mentioned tissue based products would be in short supply. Obviously the effect was, as they predicted, a large proportion of the plebs immediately leapt up, jumped in their cars, and promptly raped every supermarket, corner shop and market stall of every last pack of toilet roll and box of Kleenex (other brands of snot-rags are available) within a day or two. Most right-minded people saw through the media driven bull-shit propaganda and took no notice, until the shop shelves were looking rather empty, which left them with a dilemma - either do nothing and risk wiping their delicate parts with newspaper (anybody else remember the sixties?) or join in the panic-buying themselves. Obviously most chose the latter, and headed on down to the shops to grab what little was left, and so they got dragged into the media's bull-shit too, but more as a casualty of war rather than of direct action.


Wind the clock forward a bit to Autumn (Fall) 2021 and we are seeing a familiar pattern forming. The media started with claiming there's a shortage of CO2, so pork can't be processed correctly (?!?!?!). If they can't get enough CO2 then I suggest they give Greta Thunberg a call because she seems to think she knows where there's an abundance of it! Next, there's apparently a shortage of fuel, predictably causing a buying frenzy at every pump all over the country. Speaking to a media insider yesterday the next shortage will be knicker elastic, especially the kind used in lacy underwear. This next one is rumoured to be started by the fashion industry because apparently there isn't enough women in the UK now who would look good in nice underwear, having either become Feminists (therefore physically repulsive), obese (therefore physically repulsive) or just too old (therefore a delicate mixing of colours and styles is needed).


For starting this bullshit the guilty media outlets should have their broadcasting licence revoked for three months. There’s no need for a fine (it’ll only line the pockets of Bollock Brained Boris and his mates) the lost revenue should be enough of a punishment.


Lack of lorry drivers causing shortages??


There has always been a lack of lorry drivers ever since lorries were first invented back when steam was the go-to power source. The only difference now is that the consumer has been convinced to buy even more shit, and to replace that shit with a newer version of that shit even though the older model of that shit is still more than adequate for their shit needs. This means that even more shit needs to be transported from the Chinese owned UK based ports to local warehouses before being forwarded onto the consumer.


It's easy to blame Brexit for the shortfall, but those who do push this are woefully missing the main point. We relied too heavily on outside help, drivers from Eastern European countries were tempted over with better rates of pay and conditions than what they could ever expect back at home. This obviously created a massive influx of ‘Johnny Foreigner’ type drivers each with varying levels of incompetence and lack of road sense. This ‘fix’ according to the then government was doing a great job of fixing the driver shortage, but best of all allowed the big boys to lower their wages bill and enlarge their own bank balances with tax free bonuses. This drove many a hardened driver out of his cab and into his garden through early retirement. The government, predictably, saw this as an really easy and quick fix and told the nation 'We're a great government because we've solved the driver shortage issue!'.


Only it wasn't really a practical fix. Most of the drivers who came over were registered has self-employed. They worked more hours than they were legally allowed to (due to their collection of Drivers Cards). They claimed UK benefits because they were entitled to it under EU law. They lived here like paupers so every £ they earned was sent back home and safely tucked under their straw mattress. They never paid UK Income Tax, and they never paid UK NI! They were happy to work for a lower wage than 'Mad Dog Englishman' and this drove down the wage expectation, but raised the Tax-Credits bill exponentially because more money was needed from the tax payer to prop up these low wages. The haulage companies didn't care that the number of accidents caused by this influx of inexperienced drivers was rising day on day because their wage bill was dropping so much that even if every foreign driver hit a train bridge it was still cheaper to pay that fine than it was to pay a decent wage.


What really brought this to the nasty conclusion that we are witnessing today was when 'Bollock Brain Boris' changed the way IR35 was assessed back in April 2021. Previously the employee was responsible for ensuring the employee was compliant with the rules, the new change however placed that burden on the employer, meaning the employer was now responsible for the employee - facing a huge fine if they got the assessment wrong. Employers had little choice but to assess everyone as if they did fall under this 'entrepreneurialism killing tax' even when thousands didn't! The average foreign driver saw this has a nudge to get out of the UK and go back home where they could easily live off the vast wealth (relatively speaking) they had by now accumulated. Obviously the government won’t admit to this, but it is easy to verify, just ask anybody who actually works in the industry. Besides, the government at all levels are just a bunch of [insert your own expletive here] who wouldn’t admit to farting in an elevator even if they were the only person in it.


The government threw their ‘Dart of Policies’ into the ‘Dartboard of Ridiculousness’ and it landed on ‘Import 5000 drivers from overseas’ narrowly missing the ‘Train 5000 English residents who’ve lost their livelihood because we’re a shit Government’. Slot. What this means is they will import drivers from countries of dubious backgrounds - most East Europeans are very comfortable now so won’t want to come back to the UK. These drivers will be sourced from sub-saharan countries where they have no real experience of a truck stop, let alone tarmac covered roads! None will be assessed to make sure they can actually drive anything larger than a donkey (although a DAF does come close). None will be able to speak enough English to be able to take care of themselves. None will have any idea how our road systems work (can any of us) so toilet breaks will be taken on the hard-shoulder, more bridges will be knocked down, the scary list goes on, and on. . .


Schools must also take their fair share of the blame for this current situation. How long has it been since they’ve encouraged kids to ‘follow their dreams’ of being a lorry driver, or a train driver? Maybe even a policeman or a nurse? No, all they want is little robots (they all have exactly the same hand-writing as each other, no individual creativity is allowed) that will answer the questions on the exam sheets every year and nothing more. Instead of useful studies like metal-work, woodwork, electronics, pottery, cookery, kids have it drilled into their young impressionable minds that diversity is great, history is bad, they are bad, and their Grandparents are so bad they should be smothered while they sleep for murdering people 80 years ago in a war that nobody cares about any more *3. Obviously the simple fact that these same teachers probably wouldn’t even have been born if it wasn’t for the sacrifices of all our Grandparents is completely lost on these . . . idiots. If the government actually planned beyond their four year term in office they would re-introduce the pre-1980's methods of teaching, and stop all this Marxist bollocks, stop pandering to mental illnesses, and teach kids the harsh reality of life - 'Get your hands dirty, or sink in the quagmire of nothingness!'





1. IR35 was a tax introduced into the UK in 2000 by the prime minister, and leader of the Labour party, Tony Blair*2. It was hoped this tax would collect £billions towards the impending wars being planned against the Middle East. At the time the Labour party only knew how to introduce taxes, but were (are) completely clueless on how to implement them correctly. On paper every self-employed person should have become obsolete over-night (apart from those who owned corner shops or kebab houses – they were the core voters for Labour and they didn’t want to upset them, even to the point of allowing thousands of them to rape, torture, and even murder young vulnerable white girls) but Labour knew that if they enforced it they would lose every other non-shop owning voter so didn’t take the risk. Instead they allowed the new tax to simmer, waiting for a future prime minister to stupidly implement it as it was originally planned. Enter 'Bollock Brained Boris!'.


2. Tony Blair was also the architect for the rebranding of the Labour party to ‘New Labour’ yeah, I know, fucking clever wasn’t he! What this New Labour was though, in reality, was just a cash cow for the few at the top table to get away with fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes! Tony Blair, along with his fugly wife Cheri (pronounced ‘Cherry’, or ‘Sherree’ if you are a chinless fugly looking funt like she is!) changed laws so she could make a killing as a barrister for immigration court cases, they both made a killing in the property market due to insider information and back-handers from Saudi’s who were in the market for some historical publicly owned London properties they quite liked the look of, and he made a killing by murdering tens of thousands of Middle Easterners – men, women, and children in fake wars alongside the US president George Bush!


3. This new shift in education methods started in the mid eighties as the cancer of Marxism started to spread within the educational system throughout the country, and at all levels. This will be the subject of another blog in the near future.