I’m thinking of starting a new section titled ‘Cunt of the Week!’ - there should be enough candidates in the UK of GB around at this moment in time to keep me going for at least the next decade or so.


The UK of GB government, under strict instructions from their EU overlords have ensured that the truth regarding the Invasion of Ukraine by that ‘Nasty Bully Putin’ is not in your interest so you do not need to know it (yep, like an abusive and stalker'esque ex-partner the EU are still calling the shots in the UK of GB!). You can have the EU’s version of it instead – its fluffier, pinker, and more comfortable for the Plebs to accept and believe. To that end they have blocked or banned any dissenting news agencies from being able to broadcast in the EU, and now the UK, unless they agree to only broadcast the EU’s lies. To that affect RT is no longer being broadcast here in the UK of GB. The fledgeling GBNews.uk news channel which started life very recently with a fierce "We will bring you the real news as it happens" now seems only to have hysterical presenters screaming for Russia to be "bombed out of existence", with very little journalistic merit.


When a state sponsored news agency and national broadcaster (guess who? *1) shows cut-scenes from video games and broadcasts them as actual real life events from a battlefield of war you gotta start questioning their motives.


In short, it’s because they do not want you to know the truth. They do not want you to know that Russia is actually the victim, and not the aggressor. And has been for many decades. a little random history. . . .


World War II (Also known as ‘Operation Kill Those Pesky Commies’)

Ever wondered how Nazi Germany was able to amass a massive army even though they were heavily sanctioned by the rest of the world? How they managed to form an army that could vanquish entire countries in just a few weeks, but were meant to be paying thousands of Marks for a single loaf of bread? During Nazi Germany’s rise to power in the 1930’s Hitler made it obviously clear that he would like the resources that Russia had in abundance for his own nation to own, but he didn’t really want to pay for it, so he needed a little help to get his war campaign started. Now being the sort of man Hitler was he couldn’t just walk into his local bank and ask for a business loan. So he went west and approached certain corrupt bankers that would do anything to make a little extra money *2. The bankers of the USA despised the Communist lifestyle, if Communism took hold in the USA the bankers wouldn’t have their vast ill-gotten money nor vast power in global politics and finance. Like most rich people they didn’t want to get their own hands dirty so they happily financed Hitler, sending over munitions, heavy industrial machines, raw materials, everything a fledgling dictator could need to start a global war *3. And that’s exactly what this fledgeling dictator did, unbeknown to Hitler though becoming a puppet to the US banking families.


After invading Poland and proclaiming it for his dogs to use as their own backyard *4, the Western leaders thought everything was going to (their) plan. Only they didn’t figure on a clumsy valet knocking the map out of Hitlers hands while he was planning his next invasion. Horrified by his clumsiness the valet picked up the map, brushed it down and gave it back to Hitler (just before he was taken outside and shot). Hitler being enraged by his ex-valet didn’t realise the map was now upside down and marked his next target just to the right of the mark over Poland, which of course was France instead of the intended target Belarus! Not having the guts to question their new orders the Generals just left the war-room and passed the message on down their chain ‘o’ command and, well the rest is history.


So, in fact the US bankers were very happy they could make a financial killing using Hitler to do the actual killings.


It was only after the French rolled over and surrendered so easily did Hitler realise his mistake with his war map and turned it the correct way round. After Hitler and his closest, but secretly nervous Generals calmed down from their laughing at this ‘Faux Par’ they then sent out the correct orders to invade Russia.


Thinking that his map mistake was a sign that Hitler had gone a ‘Little Rogue’ the Western Financiers and Arms Suppliers saw they couldn’t trust Hitler to do their bidding for them anymore and welcomed Stalin’s Russia into the war – ‘better to have an enemy who helps you fight a stronger enemy than try to fight both enemies together’.


Despite Russia assisting greatly in WWII, proving themselves again and again in the theatre of war Roosevelt and Churchill still never trusted Stalin. Even going as far as to try and start a war with Russia once the fighting had stopped everywhere else - the hatred of Communism was that great! I do not know how valid this is but it has been suggested that the two atomic bombs on Japan were more as a warning to Russia rather than a means to get Japan to surrender. It certainly made Stalin sit up take notice.


A few other points in history:



US bankers sending poor people to die so they can rid the world of their biggest threat – Communism.



No one in the US cared a jot about the people of Vietnam despite them suffering Vile Human Rights Violations by the incumbent French because France were considered an ally to the US. It was only when the Violated Vietnamese people turned to Russia did the US finally care. More because the bankers didn’t want the spread of Communism, rather than their desire to help another nation. Especially if that other nation can’t make the US bankers more money.



Again, the rebel forces turn to Russia for help and get it. Cuba embraces Communism and the US bankers turn to their dirty-tricks brigade *5 to concoct outlandish and bizarre methods to bring down the Cubans Leader.


Iraq 1.

Bush Senior gets to expand his bank account by declaring war on Saddam Hussein. $Billions spent, thousands of lives lost. Bush Senior owns the company given the very lucrative contract to supply equipment for the US’s invasion force.


Iraq 2.

Unhappy with the outcome of his invasion exploits in Kuwait *7 Saddam Hussain declares the US dollar is no longer going to be legal tender in Iraq. The US bankers cannot allow this so they tell Bush Junior to invade Iraq, and this time he must get rid of Hussain. Again, the Bush family arms business is the main supplier of equipment for this invasion.



Colonel Gadaffi, not realising his neighbour’s mistake, tells his people to stop using the US dollar and to use their home-grown dinar instead. The response from US bankers and the fate of a sovereign state leader were exactly the same as ‘Iraq 2.’ above. Again, the Bush family arms business is the main supplier of equipment for this invasion.



Another sovereign state planning to stop using the US dollar as its currency which was invaded under the pretext of spreading Democracy in a Democracy-less state. Again, the Bush family arms business is the main supplier of equipment for this invasion. Biden’s administration pulled out leaving tens of thousands dead, and tens of thousands more who are about to be dead, but more importantly they pulled out because they had already stolen everything worth stealing. The country is broke and broken, and it is because of the actions of the US and NATO, and their greed for money!


Only when you look at the history of the US, and the wars it has started and never won *8, you can see their hypocrisy when they speak about Russia and that they are terrible people for invading Ukraine. All of the wars the US has started have been for financial gain, nothing more, nothing less. They do not care about humanitarian issues - that’s for the relentless charities that will inevitably spring forth after every conflict pretending to send aid to the victims, instead spending the donations to lease expensive office blocks complete with expensive leased cars for the executives and fat salaries for everyone apart from the can-shaker on the street corner.


So, why is Russia invading Ukraine?

If it was me doing the invading I would have done it just to get rid of that clown Zelenskyy. Zelenskyy makes Bollock-Brained-Boris look like first prize winner in a MENSA Members Only Competition. If you ever need to see how little the US and NATO care that people know they’ve installed a Muppet Regime into a country Zelenskyy is it.

In reality though Russia’s reasons for their invasion is a little more complicated than just the desire to get rid of a Court-Jester. It’s because the US and NATO have gone back on all of their promises since the end of the Second World War. It’s about protecting Russian ex-pats living in Ukraine that have been persecuted by Ukraine (US) State Sponsored Neo-Nazi groups since 2014. It’s about kicking the US and NATO out of a country they promised they would never try to recruit into their ranks. It’s about restoring peace on their borders. It’s for humanitarian reasons, not financial (the US hates this, and will do everything in its power to stop you knowing this!) It's so they can dismantle the US owned chemical warfare factories they've built there!

It has been shown that the Clinton Foundation received more donations from the Ukraine over the past ten years than any other country – why would a nation donate to a private enterprise? Sleepy Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and Mitt Romney all have children working for Ukrainian Gas Companies, which is currently being used for their money-laundering operations.


NATO. Who the fuck wants NATO?

Nobody does, they’re redundant. They only exist to shout lies about Russia.


Where now?

We have all been brainwashed by Western Media, and have been for decades. I myself grew up in the seventies in middle England, and thinking back I can see all of the bullshit that was spewed daily by the BBC on their news and current affairs programmes of the day. If something bad happened in the world it would always be put on the doorstep of Russia. In schools we were never taught the truth about the West and how it revolves around a few families dictating whole world events and creating global conflict (and global murder) as they see fit. We were never told how the UK destabilised and ruined the Indian subcontinent by poorly dividing India and Pakistan. How we screwed vast swathes of Africa just so our Royal Family can have more gold, diamonds and wealth than they will ever need – a fortune that could end world poverty for good!

Apparently Putin is bad, and the US is good, despite . . The US imprisoned and tortured so called Terrorist Suspects at Guantanamo Bay for years before releasing them without charge. The so-called US Domestic Terrorists from January 6th 2021 are still being held in Solitary Confinement with no access to family or legal representation. The two Reuters reporters who along with several civilians who were torn apart by trigger happy US Apache crews, who then while loitering on the scene opened up indiscriminately into a van containing children that stopped to help the victims. Neither the crew nor their commanding officers have faced any charges despite clear evidence proving the crime.


The advent of the internet means we all have access to the same information, more than we can learn in a single life time. All we need to do is start, and start soon before they take it away!


Many history books are available in audio format on your favourite streaming web site so make a promise to yourself to listen to at least one a week – even if it wouldn’t normally be your first choice for a subject. Remember – the government wants you dumb so you stop asking questions, don’t make it easy for them. For advert-free listening I recommend our friends over at https://www.zulife.co.uk


As always the text I post is to the best of my knowledge and is my own opinion, if you think my facts are wrong then I am more than happy to be corrected, but please only correct me with true facts not a repeat of the bullshit being spread by the BBC and its ilk. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 1. If you guessed the Bastien of all that is wrong with today's State Owned News Outlets the BBC then Yes, you are right. Many of the footage they broadcasted regarding the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine has been de-bunked and proven without doubt to be fake. Some news agencies only took down their footage when a Game Developer threatened them with legal action because they used Game Footage and pretended it was actual live footage from the conflict in Ukraine! BBC = Bullshit Broadcasting Corporation.

 2. The Rothschild family of bankers being Jewish are happy to supply financial help to anyone who promises to pay them back with interest, regardless who or how many have to die.

 3. Nazi Germany were supplied Vehicles and raw rubber products by The Ford Motor Company and Opel (General Motors) and supplied arms and munition by the Bush family (George Bush’s Grand Father). Without their desire to rid the world of Communism the financial houses of the US would not have given Hitler the aid he needed to invade Russia, and ultimately start the murder of millions of civilians around the globe.

 4. Poland became the new home for Hitler’s headquarters affectionately named ‘The Wolf’s Lair’

 5. The CIA is America’s Dirty Tricks Department who are responsible for numerous murders all over the world, either directly or indirectly. They have destabilised stable countries and installed US sponsored muppet governments (Ukraine included), they have given mind-bending drugs to their own citizens causing life-long psychological issues and trauma. Their huge 'Spy Centres' actually spend more time spying on their own citizens than they do any foreign aggressors - unless those foreign aggressors have actually already done something aggressive. They are basically severely paranoid and schizophrenic cunts who believe everyone wants what America has. In fact the US doesn’t even come in the top 50 of desirable countries to invade or take over!

 6. Did Saddam receive poor intel when he went into Kuwait? Intel which he thought was coming from his trusted spy network, but was instead planted by the CIA? Who knows? Somebody does and they aren’t talking anymore.

 7. Although Saddam's armed forces were easily over-run and beaten during the conflict the coalition forces were ordered to stop short of chasing the Iraqis back to Baghdad. It wouldn't be until Irag 2 when they US would be able to go in and steal the gold, jewels, resources, etc.

 8. Despite the many wars the US has started or been involved in they haven’t won a single one! Whether it has been the war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war in the Middle East, the war in Central America, the war in The Far East, they haven’t won a single one. Why is that? They don’t want to. They aren’t there to vanquish an enemy because it’s not profitable. Peace Keepers cost more in real terms and there is no profit in it for them. On the other hand bullets, rockets and other ordnance mean huge profits for those who own the manufacturers.

The US is still effectively at war with North Korea, and it suits the US tremendously to not surrender just yet. That’s why they ridiculed Donald trump when he told the world he was going over there to have a chat with Kim Jong-un, they spread bullshit propaganda before his visit to intentionally make it tough for each side to open up to each other and make peace. The US doesn't want peace. The US wants to destabilise, move in, make lots of money, leave the repair of that invaded state to the general public through charitable donations - minus tax, fees, etc.