Here in the UK we're going to be having a general election this year, although nobody is certain at what point this year it'll actually be held. Unlike most other countries our dates are flexible, and can at times extend beyond the full four years. Not sure why, not sure I care why. Regardless of when it'll actually be held, one thing is for certain, neither of the 'parties' deserve to be in power. They are all just as shit as each other, their policies are no different from the next, and none of them know what the people want and need, nor do they want to listen to what the people want and need.


On one hand we have Risha Sunak, leader of the incumbent Conservative party, a man who wasn't voted to that position by the people nor by the party members, he was actually given the position of party leader, and by extension the UKs Prime Minister, by means and methods unknown to the rest of us mere Plebs. Although you can guarantee it included offers of wealth, property, or position, probably all three. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, works very hard, but he's from a country where the condoms are noticeably smaller than the ones sold in Western countries, so he hasn't the 'killer instinct' needed to stand up to and punch someone in the face. I mean this figuratively of course, although it would be good to see the odd 'car park fight' or two - after all it worked for Simão Peixoto and Erineu Alves Da Silva!

There are green shoots of recovery from the shit-show we’ve suffered over the past five or six years. We had Theresa May’s underhanded way she treated the Brexit vote, the Covid pandemic and the ensuing stealing of cash, property and business’s from the Plebs by the banks and other financial services. All of which apparently has been completely forgotten about – Gold Fish and memory springs to mind. Russia pushing back against NATOs expansion East with their attack on Ukraine, and of course the Middle East with Hamas attacking Israel, and Israels (how dare they!) retaliation.

Rishi wants the election to be as late as possible so the Plebs can actually start to ‘feel’ this recovery to the economy, and the nation, and maybe forgive the Tories enough to vote for them once again.

Upon first meeting a libtard you, as a right thinking person, will base your assumptions of that persons character as the conversation grows. A libtard however assesses your worth to them by the mount of victimhood they see in you. Are you a white male? Then you are part of the patriarchy, have life-long white privilege, and you've already fallen into their hatred for life group! They will try to catch you out at everything you do, they have become completely toxic and need avoiding at all costs! Do not even try debating with them, they'll just scream in your face. No words will come out, they'll just scream and scream. *1

If you're a white female, then you are white, so have white privilege, but are female so you're a victim at the hands of the white supremacist patriarchy. Because you are a white female they'll suffer you until you try to make intelligent conversation, at which point you are poison to them, and they'll hate you forever. This is more evidence if you're a pretty white female who likes to wear nice clothes.

 Two examples of men who like to play dress-up.


  • They both wear outlandish clothes and really over do the make-up.
  • They both dress up like this for the attention, and the financial gain they receive from doing it.

This is where they differ . .

First of all I want to express my utmost respect and admiration for the girls of Telford who sadly endured being raped, drugged and tortured (and murdered!*1) by the ‘Local Labour Party Voters' for years, all the time with full knowledge of, and without any help from the 'Labour Party' run 'Police Force', the 'Labour Party' run 'Council', the 'Labour Party' run 'Social Services', and the 'Labour Party' run ‘Labour Party’ itself. Despite all of this they still managed to find the strength to come forward and make their ordeals public!


If their ordeals weren't harrowing enough as it was for these very young girls - to be passed around between hundreds of 'Labour Party Voting (mostly) Paki muslim Cunts for money*2, to be forced to have abortions because they inevitably fell pregnant*3, to have their very lives, and those of their families threatened if they didn't carry on allowing these 'Labour Party Voting (mostly) Paki muslim Cunts' to rape, drug and torture them - to have their hope of justice (which must have given them the strength to 'Keep on Going') denied to them because the ‘Local Labour Party Officials’ didn't give a shit about the Young Vulnerable White English Girls.*4


The calls by the Tory party asking/telling him to step down despite him being the only reason they have stayed in power for as long as they have IS Boris Johnsons' fault. The main reason being he has surrounded himself with parasites who are career politicians with the political charisma of a rotten turnip, the skills and knowledge of a country bumpkin, and worse, the ambitions of a psychopath.

With one exception - the Mogg!


To that one guy who can't get me off their cached websites I thank you for your patience while you've awaited my return, and grateful that some web browsers can't get rid of some pages no matter how many times you try.

Although there is currently lots to talk about, and I have a great desire to vent my spleen, I will actually be extending my rest from posting for another week or two.

For that one curious person that may be wondering why I have been off the air for a while well let's just say I have been bound to secrecy - nudge, nudge, wink, wink.


All I will say is 'No matter how hard they try to keep you quietly rotting in the gutter it is your duty to keep on fighting them!'

Despite being warned about the governments plan to bring in 10's of thousands of low IQ low value migrants *1 to do the sort of jobs the indigenous people have been convinced is 'below them' with phrases like 'working in a coffee shop is a career' and 'you spending the last five years doing a worthless degree was worth it' people were still quite surprised and shocked when P&O dumped their full-time staff and started to replace them with low IQ low value agency staff instead. Believe me P&O is just the tip of the iceberg, many more company’s across the UK of GB have been doing the same for years.



Take this simple test to see how much of a hypocrite you are. Score 1 point for every ‘Yes’ then check your totals against the list at the bottom.


I’m thinking of starting a new section titled ‘Cunt of the Week!’ - there should be enough candidates in the UK of GB around at this moment in time to keep me going for at least the next decade or so.


The UK of GB government, under strict instructions from their EU overlords have ensured that the truth regarding the Invasion of Ukraine by that ‘Nasty Bully Putin’ is not in your interest so you do not need to know it (yep, like an abusive and stalker'esque ex-partner the EU are still calling the shots in the UK of GB!). You can have the EU’s version of it instead – its fluffier, pinker, and more comfortable for the Plebs to accept and believe. To that end they have blocked or banned any dissenting news agencies from being able to broadcast in the EU, and now the UK, unless they agree to only broadcast the EU’s lies. To that affect RT is no longer being broadcast here in the UK of GB. The fledgeling news channel which started life very recently with a fierce "We will bring you the real news as it happens" now seems only to have hysterical presenters screaming for Russia to be "bombed out of existence", with very little journalistic merit.


If you have no other choice but to go nuclear then can I suggest a single 20 Mega-Tonne in the centre of London should be enough. I'm sure you've already worked it out (there's plenty of websites where you can choose a city and the yield and it'll show you the outcome) and 20 MT should wipe out most of our career politicians, their bullshit friends, and all of the crap that lives within M25. The good people of the UK of GB that are left would be most grateful to you, we'll round up the rest of our shit politicians and stick them against the Proverbial-Wall. Our lives would be a lot better without them and that Shit-Hole-London keeping us back, enabling the rest of the UK of GB to get on with our lives and prosper.

If you could also wait until the wind is blowing over to the south-east then that would be even better!